Saturday, January 24, 2009

The woven parts of life...

Went to an informational meeting this morning at UGA to see about being a part of the Red Clay Writing Project for the month of June. I usually try to find one professional learning event to go to in the summer to keep up with new stuff. Let me just say that the people I met came from all walks of life, were EXTREMELY intelligent (my insecurities kicked in a little bit and I was a little intimidated)....but more than anything else...these people could WRITE. We all wrote about every 10 minutes and shared within our small pod groups. Here's one of the prompts we were given: "What has writing meant to you in your life?"
Here was my response:

Writing for me begins with the pursuits: Christ, a family, college, teaching, friendships, ministry, life. All of these pursuits, for me, have one God-given thing in common: the passion of writing. Writing about the people who shaped me....who loved me, writing about the friends I laughed with, writing about my grief, writing about my tears, writing about the world...the things I didn't understand, writing about my dreams, writing about my insecurities, writing about wanting to get married, writing about falling in love with the one I married, writing about ministry...dreams for ministry, writing about the greatest Pursuit of my life..... It is this thing...this Divine thing that I have found in the Pursuit that stirs me and calls me two or three times a day.

Professor: "Times up! Pencils down."

In the span of 4 minutes I felt as though I wrote this tiny paragraph filled with the large canvas painting of my life journey. Even in writing this post I want to be a better writer and write metaphors like "the large canvas painting of my life." What about you? I feel like writing is uniquely woven into every area of my life. What is it that you see woven into your pursuits?

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