Sunday, September 21, 2008

if for nothing else than do it for the sake of writing:)

A sweet friend of mine recently shared with me how she and her son (who is almost one) get up every morning and as a part of their routine they watch the school bus go by in the mornings. Now picturing this in my mind is just one of the sweetest pictures because she is such a great mom, but the thing that I love the most about this picture is that one day this simple morning routine will turn into a beautiful story in his 3rd,4th, or 5th grade writing time. How do I know this? Because so many of the moments my 5th grade students write about in Writing Workshop are the sweet, simple moments with their getting up in the morning to watch the school bus go by.

So for parents who are reading...I hope you are creating the moments if for nothing else than for the sake of writing:)

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